rēs[eco]architecturae is a new architectural practice founded by Flavia Restaldi while between Paris and Rome that looks for environmentally friendly solutions:
from the spoon to the town (Richard Roger) across the sea.
The very name rÄ“s[eco]architecturae embodies the global vision of inhabiting today’s world complexity and finds its roots in the first European languages, the Latin and Greek:
res, rei |οἶκος oikos | architectura,-ae, meaning the things of ecological architecture.
The setting, an inhabited ecosystem, is like a harbour. It is the starting and the end point. It is a resource to develop and nurture both during and after the docking.
Each project is like a sailing trip. The discovery and the knowledge generate a precise and systematic analysis that reveals the genius loci, the memories of living and stratified matters as the main source of inspiration.​
Every question, every situation, every story is by definition unique and as such requires a unique answer.
The sea inspires the architecture: rÄ“s[eco]architecturae is like a sailing boat. It needs wind and sailors in order to advance. The wind is its force and the sailors are its mind-set. Sometimes the boat is against the winds that drift it away from the goal, the island, that is, the project’s potential outcome. ​
However, the crew knows tacking to get to its final destination.
1985: Born in Rome, Italy
2004: University of Architecture "La Sapienza" in Rome
2007: Erasmus program at ULPG in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
2009: Thesis research at UBA in Buenos Aires
2010: Master in architecture at "La Sapienza" in Rome
2011: International Workshop "Inside City of Death", promoted by Live in Slum NGO in Cairo.
Moves in Paris to work on Paris Philarmony at Métra +Associés
in partnership with Ateliers Jean Nouvel
2012: Recognized by Register of Architectes in Rome
Barrio 21.24, winner of Prix Alibrandi, published on different architectural reviews:
Boundaries, Plataforma Urbana, Progettare Architettura, Città e Territorio
2018: Founds rēs[eco]architecturae
Participates to Competition for selecting residents Villa Médicis 2019-2020 with Archipelago
2019: In collaboration with Réseau Friche Association
In collaboration with Semi di Rigenerazione Association
2020: In collaboration with On, an italian sustainable mobility start-up
2021: Teacher of "Revit fundamentals" - Order of Architectes of Grosseto.
She has worked at:
Métra et Associés, ANMA, Daquin et Ferriére Architecture, Studio Valle Progettazioni,
Pietri Architectes, Loci Anima, Reichen et Robert, SCAU, Andrew Todd and Ateliers/2/3/4/